Hormone Signalling and Plant Plasticity Group. Instituto de Biología
Celular y Molecular de Plantas (CSIC-Universidad Politécnica
de Valencia). C/ Ingeniero Fausto Elio s/n (46022), Valencia –
Keywords: DELLAs, Gibberellins, root hair morphology,
root hair number, root hair patterning.
Abstract: In spite of the role of gibberellins/DELLAs
in leaf hair production, no investigations have assessed their
function in the production of root hairs. To this aim, the effects
of supra-physiological levels of GAs/DELLAs on the gene expression
patterning of the root hair (CPC) and non-hair (GL2, EGL3 and
WER) epidermal cell fate markers, and on the distribution, morphology
and abundance of root hairs, were studied in root tips of 5-day-old
A. thaliana seedlings. Results showed that excessive GAs/DELLAs
misarranged the CPC, GL2, EGL3 and
WER gene expression patterning and the location, shape
and frequency of root hairs. However, when the gai-1 (GA-insensitive-1)
DELLA mutant protein was specifically over-expressed at the root
epidermis, no changes in the patterning or abundance of root hairs
occurred. Thus, results suggest that, in A. thaliana
seedlings, the GAs/DELLAs might regulate the patterning, morphology
and abundance of root hairs from the sub-epidermal tissues of
the root.
How to cite this article:
MCCARTHY-SUÁREZ I. 2021. Supra-physiological levels of
gibberellins / DELLAs alter the patterning, morphology and abundance
of root hairs in root tips of A. thaliana seedlings.
J. Plant Develop. 28: 41-67.