Camelia IFRIM
“Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi – Romania

György FESZT
“Alexandru Borza” Botanical Garden, “Babes-Bolyai” University of Cluj-Napoca, 42 Republicii, 400015 Cluj-Napoca – Romania


Keywords: botanical terms, Cactaceae family, Euphorbia, Lemaire, spine-shield, tubercle.

Abstract: Succulent plants and especially cacti require specific botanical terms for their morphological description. Podarium is one such term, used mostly to designate the spine-bearing formations in cacti and thorny succulent euphorbias. The analysis of specialized literature reveals its use by various authors with different meanings. The term is present in dictionaries or specialised glossaries only in the last 30 years, and the definitions are quite varied. The synonymous terms used over time in different languages show that there is no unity regarding the definition of the term, but also regarding the way in which the formation it defines is understood.

How to cite this article:
IFRIM C. & FESZT G. 2022. Podarium (Podaria) – a controversial botanical term. J. Plant Develop. 29: 3-23.



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