“Alexandru Ciubotaru” National Botanical Garden (Institute),
Moldova State University, Chisinau – Republic of Moldova
Natalia JARDAN
Reserve “Codrii”, Lozova, Straseni – Republic
of Moldova
Keywords: Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz,
rare taxa, bioecology, conservation, Republic of Moldova.
Abstract: The given paper provides recent data
on the rare species, Epipactis palustris (L.) Crantz,
(family Orchidaceae) from the “Codrii” Scientific
Reserve, Republic of Moldova, including the current state of the
taxon population, the degree of threat, the endangered category
(according to IUCN requirements). Likewise, it contains the morphological
description of the species, the ecological and chorological particularities
and the characteristics of the habitat under study. Limiting factors
are identified and protective measures are proposed.
How to cite this article:
IONIŢĂ O. & JARDAN N. 2024. In situ conservation of Epipactis
palustris (L.) Crantz in the Republic of Moldova. J.
Plant Develop. 31: 137-145.