Constantin MARDARI
“Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Dumbrava Rosie Street no. 7-9, 700487 Iasi – Romania

Ciprian Constantin BÎRSAN
“Anastasie Fatu” Botanical Garden, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza” University of Iasi, Dumbrava Rosie Street no. 7-9, 700487 Iasi – Romania

Camelia Paula ŞTEFANACHE
Stejarul Research Center for Biological Sciences, Piatra Neamt subsidiary, NIRDBS, 296 Independentei Bd., Sector 6, Bucuresti – Romania

Cătălin TĂNASE
Faculty of Biology, “Alexandru Ioan Cuza”University of Iasi, Carol I 20A, 700505 Iasi – Romania;
Romanian Academy, 125 Calea Victoriei, Sector 1, 010071 Bucuresti – Romania

Keywords: Arnica montana, conservation, grasslands, management, threats.

Abstract: The current paper is focused on an emblematic medicinal species, Arnica montana, and on identification of the main threats it faces in the northeastern region of Romanian Carpathians. The species was investigated in 30 localities, in various habitats, characterized by different land management types, and different floristic composition of plant communities. The most important threat for A. montana in NE Carpathians was the habitat loss, mainly caused by abandonment of the traditional meadows management and natural succession of vegetation. Accumulated data underline the importance of management measures for A. montana, measures that have controlled and maintained the habitats of montane grasslands over time. The most suitable method of maintaining habitats in a favorable state of conservation could be represented by a combination of mowing and moderate intensity grazing while maintaining a level of fertilization as low as possible. Collection of flower heads for medicinal purposes must be avoided in small size populations.

How to cite this article:
MARDARI C., BÎRSAN C. C., ŞTEFANACHE C. P. & TĂNASE C. 2024. Main threats affecting Arnica montana L. in the northeastern region of Romanian Carpathians. J. Plant Develop. 31: 207-214.



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